Article No. 0532

Have You Made
Your Reservation
To Heaven?

“Only those whose Names which are
Written in the Lamb’s Book of Life
Will enter the City.”

Revelation 21:27

HeavenReservation Have you ever been invited to a restaurant or event ,and when you got to the door, the host said, “I’m sorry, but it appears you are not in the book and do not have a reservation.” I have!! And it was both disappointing and hurtful that I was left out.

For some people (maybe even you) there will be a day when you will want to stand at the gate of heaven, but you have not made a reservation and like in my story- you too will be left out...but that doesn’t have to happen!

You see, we all have received an invitation to be in heaven with God, and He wants YOU to be there and has sent His invitation twice! First in His love letter to all of us in the Bible, and second by His Call when Christ said “Come All of You…and I will Give you REST” (Matthew 11:28) All you need do is accept His call, ask Him to forgive you for your sins, and agree with Him that He is Lord and God. It all seems (and is) so simple, yet many reject the invitation and refuse to believe it to be true.

There WILL be a day coming where the Book of Life will be opened, and all will be deemed either WORTHY or NOT WORTHY to enter into this rest. Do not assume you are 'In The Book!' If you have not done so, there is no better time than NOW to make sure and accept God’s invitation to eternity.

Just like the ads say on TV, 'This is a limited time offer' because your life is limited, and one day that time to accept will expire. Accept His Invitation today and make your reservation sure, because you never know when the time will come before it is too late.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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