Article No. 0531

A Robin Who Opened
My Heart To The
Wonder of God’s Creation

“But ask the animals, and
They will teach you, or
The birds in the sky, and
They will tell you…
The hand of the Lord has done this”

Job 12:7-9

robin-on-nest This spring a mother robin busily built a nest in the corner of an eve on my front porch. Both her and father robin were very busy gathering copious amounts of straw and mud, and in no time the nest was made and the robin began laying her eggs.

From my front window it was fun to watch her coming and going and “The University of Google” told me all I needed to know about how many eggs are usually laid and how long was the gestation period before the little chicks hatched.

One morning I discovered her first little chick’s tiny beak opened wide waiting for  her mama to feed it a worm as she leaned over the nest. Then another little beak appeared and then there were three! The continual cheerful chirping of the little chicks cheered me each morning and day by day I watched her precious fledglings grow  bigger and stronger as they quickly transformed from little skinny necked chicks snapping their tiny bills to small but fully formed baby robins.

I grew so attached to all of them watching them grow and it filled my heart on how amazing God innately puts inside all creation exactly how to take care for their young. Soon these former little babies began puffing themselves up like small balloons of feathers, bravely flapping their wings trying to outdo their siblings in the honor of the first flight into the heavens, and then it dawned on me that soon they would be leaving their nest and fly away - and one by one they did.

Seeing the cycle of life through father and mother robin and their chicks touched me deeply and made me realize how precious life is, but also reminded me the old gospel verse that says 'His eye is on the sparrow and He Watcheth Over ME.' Jesus said that “We are worth far more than many sparrows” so if God can watch over those robins, friend know this even more --

He is Watching Over You Too.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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