Article No. 0530

You Will Become
You Behold

“The light of the body is the eye,
If therefore thine eye be single,
Thy whole body shall be full of light.”

Matthew 6:22

which-light If “the eyes are the window of the soul” then in the barrage of media stimuli we are continually subjected to it is very easy to get distracted away from the most important things in life. So based on what you open your eyes to, what 'light' are you filling your body and life with?

It is amazing to observe so many people constantly filling their eyes with the light from cell phones, tablets or PCs, yet despite being filled continually with news, social media, or entertainment it never satisfies, but like a drug it keeps drawing you in - yet never fills you up.

In today’s scripture Jesus speaks about this with a simple instruction, and that is to focus on TRUE LIGHT, and when you do, like all that grows on earth from the energy of the sun, you will be filled with the energy of the SON - and when it fills you - you will truly be filled with pure and not artificial light. Jesus said that He was (and is) the only true “Light of the World” (John 8:12) and those that follow Him will not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.

So friend ask yourself…what light is filling, fueling, and FIRST in your life? Because what LIGHT you take in, will be what you will become.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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