Article No. 0525

Do Not Make This
'Whale' of a Mistake!

“An Evil man is ensnared in his transgression, but
A Righteous man sings and rejoices.”

Proverbs 29:6

WhaleInNet A crew on a deep sea fishing boat sadly saw a whale struggling as it was ensnared in a large fishing net. The web covered almost its entire body and was wrapped around the tail and fins making it difficult to swim or dive.

The crew carefully pulled alongside with hooks and knives in an attempt to free the struggling animal, but each time they reached down to help, the whale violently resisted their efforts. After several attempts to save the whale, the caring crew sadly pulled away only to watch the whale continuing to try to free itself in vain from this deadly snare which would certainly guarantee its death.

This is a perfect picture of people in this life. We are all born into a web of sin that ensnares us that will also eventually lead us to our demise. The boat that comes alongside to free us from our bonds is God, yet the natural tendency of people likewise is to resist God’s help.

Just like that obstinate whale, you too can choose to fight against being saved, but there is no escape from this web of sin without the help of the great “Fisher of Men” - the LORD Jesus Christ.

Before The Web Of SIN ends your life, let God free you and you will not only live in this life, but in the next life in eternity. Let Him come close to you and simply ask Him to help you - AND HE WILL.

Friend, will you choose to do that today? Or will you resist and let that net drown you?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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