Article No. 0524


“The punishment for SIN

Romans 6:23

Guilty+Gavel We’ve all used this phrase about ourselves or others at one time or another and it’s meaning is clearly understood. When someone messes up or does something really bad, this phrase is a common response to something that someone did.

Likewise in the spiritual realm this is even more true, and in the court of heaven the consequences for being 'Guilty As Sin' are extremely severe.

Romans 3:23 clearly states,“ For ALL have sinned” - and that includes you and me, and this condemnation is not coming from a critical co-worker, neighbor, or friend, but from God himself, and as today’s verse says the court in the heavenlies says that the final judgement for our sins is certain death.

However contrary to a commonly held or feared perspective, while God is indeed a God of JUDGEMENT, even more so He is a God of Love and Mercy. His heart is that “None be lost (i.e. condemned) but that ALL be saved” (2 Peter 3:9) and He has a plan that He has given us such that we never have to receive this final eternal judgement with no hope of parole.

You see, if you believe that Christ rose from the dead, and ask Him to forgive you of your guilty sins, not only will He hear your testimony before the court of heaven, but He assigns Jesus as your advocate (lawyer) before the great throne judge and you are acquitted of all your sins!

Yes friends, we are ALL guilty of sin, we should ALL be condemned to punishment, but you can settle out of court RIGHT NOW simply by admitting your sin and asking for forgiveness and mercy.

Have you asked Jesus to be your advocate? If not, then as this famous phrase says, you will certainly be found 'Guilt As Sin.'

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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