Article No. 0523

The Answers You Seek
Are Nearer Than You Think

“God intended that they would seek Him and
Perhaps reach out for Him and find Him,
Though He is not far from each one of us.”

Acts 17:27

SeekingMan No matter how you may search or embrace different spiritual gurus or faiths, or find yourself intrigued by astrology, trusting in mediums, tarot cards, palm readers, or anyone who may profess to have the answers to all your questions to your future, please read this carefully.

There is only One Person in all the universe you can absolutely come to trust with your entire life for everything that concerns you and His name is JESUS.

While you may have heard His name often, did you know that He has a special message for YOUR life? If you have not, please take a quiet moment and sit down with the Bible and read what Jesus said. It is as new and fresh today as it was two thousand years ago, and I promise you that His Words will not only amaze, confound, and inspire you, but answer the deep secret questions of life that you have hidden in your heart. Once your heart is open to what he is telling you, you’ll see that JESUS IS AMAZING!

But the Spirit of Christ is not limited to the written word that we all have in the Bible. We have also all been given the opportunity to talk to Him and share our most private secrets, thoughts, fears, and hopes. He listens to those that have a sincere, contrite heart, and when you share your heart with Him, He will share His heart with you. He so wants to share everything with you and be your guide through the maze of life. All you need to do is open up your heart to Him.

Jesus is love that is so pure and so warm and tender and longing that can embrace you in a way that only the Son of God can! He is waiting for you to come to Him and to talk to Him about everything on your heart. If you simply ask Him to forgive you of all the sins you have done in your life, He will gladly wash them away and you will feel fresh and new inside.

When you do this, you will be born again, an angel will write your name down in the Book of Life, and you will then be called a son or a daughter of the Most High King and welcomed into the kingdom of heaven where you will come to live forever and ever.

My dear friend, it is my deepest prayer that you will come to Jesus with all your heart like a little child - the child that is still inside of you. When you do, you will never be the same! I know, because I gave my heart to the Lord Jesus a long time ago as a child  and His love still lives inside of me today.

Don’t wait! Come to the Lord Jesus today!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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