Article No. 0521

Worry is the
Powerless Counterfeit
For Prayer

“Give all your worries
And cares to God, for
He cares about you.”

1 Peter 5:7

WorriedWoman Have you ever been WORRIED?

Well we’ve ALL been worried at one time or another! It’s part of our natural human nature, but when you have a relationship with God, worry has NO PART of your super-natural spiritual nature, but in order to fully practice that, there is one simple thing you must always do.

Just like when you were a little child and had a big problem, you knew that if you went to your daddy and told him the problem that once you handed it over to him, he would take it from off your shoulders and fix it, and so it is with your Heavenly Father! All you need to do is release your worry and ASK HIM by casting your cares upon Him through Prayer.

You see, Worry NEVER Solves Anything, but instead it is a fraudulent substitute for prayer. It tricks us into thinking that if we worry enough and repeat that problem over and over that it will solve the problem, but it never does. Instead consider that when you become a 'Son or Daughter of God' that you always have direct access to His Throne! You can approach Him at ANYTIME in prayer and He can lift that burden from you. All you need do is ask according to HIS will (1 Peter 4:15) and ask in faith and do not doubt (James 1:6).

Put off the Worry Walk and replace it with the faith walk! When you do, there is nothing too big or complex that He cannot lift off your shoulders!

“Cast Your Cares Upon Him,
For He Careth For You!”

1 Peter 5:7

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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