Article No. 0519

Which Way Is
Your Compass

“Show me the right path, O LORD
Point out the road for me to follow.”

Psalm 25:4

CompassToGod If you are lost, you need a compass, but even if you have one, which direction is YOUR compass pointing? A compass has 360 points, so the question is, is your needle pointing true north, or one of 359 other degrees that will lead you astray?

You see, in this life we all are 'lost' on our path to eternity, so we need a true compass to lead us to safety. The question is where do we find this compass of life, and what direction does it say we should go?

Jesus gave us the answer when He said:

“ I am the way,
The truth, and The life.
No man cometh unto the Father,

John 14:6

You see, the compass Christ gives us will always point 'True North' and just like today’s scripture will always point us on The Way To God.

When you follow HIS Pointer, it will ALWAYS point you to SAFETY.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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