Article No. 0518

If Your Life Was A
What Would It Say?

“I will put my laws into (your) mind, and
Write them on the table of (your) hearts.”

Hebrews 8:10

NewspaperHeadline When you reach the end of your life, how will YOUR headline read?

Will it be a title for a respected business person, renowned artist, or community contributor, or perhaps proclaim your kindness or greatness - or will it be 'something else?'

In this life being a loving person, a good parent, an admired individual or any one of many other wonderful traits are all worthwhile, however there is nothing greater in this life than for people to see The Stamp Of God As The TITLE Of A Life Well Lived.

This doesn’t happen by developing great projects, donating money, or doing good works. Instead as today’s scripture says it is being a bright reflection of God’s character by opening up your life to allow the Holy Spirit to write his character and truth on your mind and heart.

Friend, life is full of many worthwhile distractions, but there is no more important headline that can be written at the end of your life more than, “THIS WAS A GODLY PERSON!”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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