Article No. 0516

Anything Goes (?!?)

“What sorrow there will be for those that say that
Evil is good and Good is evil, that
Dark is light and light is dark, that
Bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.”

Isaiah 5:20

AnythingGoesPoster In the 1934 Broadway play “Anything Goes” composer Cole Porter not only wrote a classic song that became part of the Great American Songbook, but was perhaps inadvertently prophetic about the times that we are living in today.

The lyrics start off with 'times have changed,' and while that was certainly true almost ninety years ago it is even MORE true today! While at the turn of the last century to glimpse at a ladies stocking was considered 'something shocking' morals have shifted so far that in today’s world there are truly no more boundaries. Porter goes onto say that 'those that once knew better words now only use four-letter words' - and today this is even more true than ever. What was considered foul-language years ago is now commonplace in videos, TV, rap music, in everyday conversation, and even used in reputable on-line news stories. The song ends that despite all this 'nobody will oppose' - which is sadly true for the times in which we live.

One of Porter’s verses was also a 20th century paraphrase of today’s scripture:

The world has gone mad today
And good’s bad today,
And black’s white today,
And day’s night today,

Even so he ends saying 'But now, God knows, Anything Goes.'

While God indeed knows, in His permissive will He has given and allows everyone free choice to do or not do whatever we want, and although times have indeed changed over the last century, God’s guidelines for living have not.

The question is, as the song says, are YOU living by the “GOOD and the DAY or by the “BAD and the NIGHT where 'Anything Goes??'

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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