Article No. 0513

The Devil’s Nature
Is Part of His Name

“He was a murderer from the beginning, and
does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him.
Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for
he is a liar and the father of lies.”

John 8:44

Devil-Evil Do you see it? It was in his name all along, but most people miss it. The 'he' is the dEVIL and in him is the root of all EVIL.

Jesus said this about him and it is true. The source of ALL EVIL in the world comes from BELOW, not from above. There is not one ounce of good in him and no good ever comes from his false promises of satisfaction and success.

Sadly many buy into the excitement and lies of the pleasure he promises. People ignorantly put the devil on their tattoos, motorcycles, jewelry, or hang his image up on a wall and say, 'Yeah man, the devil is COOL! If you are one of these people, the bad news is that you have been deceived, but the good news is it is never too late to turn away and forsake the devil.

You see the biggest lie is that once with the devil, there is no escape, but that too is a lie from the 'Father of Lies!' The conqueror of evil is CHRIST and true FREEDOM is available RIGHT NOW! All you need to do is ask for and receive it. If you have embraced evil and hated the light, you can come out of darkness into the pure, peaceful, powerful light of the true God that loves you and be free. Just pray this prayer from your heart:

To the TRUE GOD that Created All:
I renounce evil and all the evil I have done in my life. Please forgive me for my sins and translate me from the kingdom of darkness to your Kingdom of LIGHT. Deliver my soul from evil and transform it into your hands. I renounce the devil and all his works and now say that Jesus Christ is my true Lord and only Saviour! In His Holy Name I Pray - AMEN!!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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