Article No. 0511

Are You Having An
Out of Bible

“There is a way which
Seemeth right unto a man, but
The end thereof are the ways of death.”

Proverbs 14:12

WalkAwayFromBible The Supreme court in the early 1960s made two ruinous rulings that caused a ripple effect across the nation.

The first was forbidding reading the Bible in schools, and the second was eliminating prayer in schools. As a result - with no reference or understanding the teachings and principles of the Bible, whole generations of people have come forth that have no reference point to guide them except by what THEY think is right. The consequence has led to a low regard towards the Bible and a natural aversion away from anything it teaches or represents.

A simple look at the common acceptable values across the country tells the story of where we are today as a people and a nation.

Sexual norms are greatly relaxed, single motherhood is no longer a disgrace and divorce commonplace. Pornography is a bigger industry than movies, music and video games combined and is viewed by over 50% of the population. Homosexuality and transgenderism is accepted by many and abortion is not only legalized but actually celebrated. Timothy Leary’s cry of the 60’s of “turn-on, tune-out, and drop-out” has come to fruition under a cloud of marijuana which is easily purchasable at your local corner store.

Do all these ways above “Seem right to YOU?” If so, then you are now having an OUT OF BIBLE EXPERIENCE, but as today’s scripture concludes, the result of what seems right to you will NOT be 'Freedom' but to TURN-AWAY, TUNE-DEAD, and DROP-DOWN a descending staircase to an ultimate death from which there is no freedom or return.

Friend, it is never too late to walk back up to read from and be refreshed by the truth in the only book that will turn you UP, and not drop you DOWN - The Bible. Seek it’s way and not your own and your end thereof will be LIFE and not DEATH.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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