Article No. 0510

Bad People Go To Heaven
Good People Go to Hell

“Not by my own goodness
By always doing what is right,
But instead salvation comes through faith in Christ
Which is righteousness given from God by faith.”

Philippians 3:9

GoodSwimmer Wait a minute…that’s nuts! Isn’t that supposed to be the other way around?

Well this is the big mistake most people make. You see, you don’t go to heaven because you are a 'good person' or live a good life and here’s an analogy why.

You could think of being a good person as being a really good swimmer, in fact you are so good that you could swim a mile or two or three with no problem. Now imagine that that good swimmer (you) was in in the middle of the ocean, and your goal is to make it to land. In this story, the ocean represents SIN and the land HEAVEN. No matter how good you are, you will never make it.

Now let’s say you are a bad swimmer, and you know it, but there was a boat coming towards you. What would you do? Well you’d plead for that boat to get you out of the water and bring you to land. Again, the ocean is sin, and the rescuer is Jesus.

The difference between the good person and the bad person is the 'good people' think they can get to heaven on their own, but the 'bad people' know they are bad, know that they need help and ask for it, and when they do they are delivered to safety. The Bible puts it this way:

“If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and
To cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:9

Friend, you cannot get to heaven by being 'good,'; but you CAN get there by admitting that you cannot do it on your own, that your sin that surrounds you will cause you to perish, and that you need to confess your filthy goodness and trust in God to deliver you, and He will deliver you out of your righteous ocean of sin.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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