Article No. 0509

Don’t Miss
The Awesomeness Of
God’s Creation

“O LORD our Lord,
How majestic is thy name in all the earth!
You have set thy glory above the heavens.”

Psalm 8:1

GodsClouds If you haven’t been to southeastern Tennessee, the trip is well worth it to just wonder at the most amazing white, fluffy clouds you’ll ever see. They put on a spectacular show for free, and that got me thinking how most people do not live their lives.

Instead of looking UP and enjoying the beauty of God’s creation, it’s easy to instead spend each day with heads DOWN staring at a screen and focusing on what may seem so important at the moment, yet in the grand scheme of things all that will eventually amount to nothing. Along the way there will be many beautiful sunrises, spectacular clouds, and sensational sunsets that will have come, gone…and missed forever.

So before you get caught up in the treadmill of life that has you looking DOWN, LOOK UP and take time to thank God for the gift of the light that warms your face. Thank God for that you can SEE His beauty, SMELL His Flowers, and TOUCH the silky fur of a puppy. In all ways big and small His creation is a gift designed to break the monotony of the everyday, but you need to STOP and Thank God  for these free gifts often ignored or taken for granted.

Friend, can you relate? If so, then lift your heart up to God for a moment and pray this prayer:

Heavenly Father, I am in awe of You. There is no other artist in all the universe to compare to your handiwork.  When I see the mountains or a rushing river, a flower pushing its way out of the ground or a sunset painting the sky, I cannot deny that You are a mighty and powerful God. Thank You Lord for giving us beauty in every corner of this planet. Remind me to take it all in and to enjoy it but, more importantly, remind me of your magnificence. Forgive me Father for the days I never looked up once, for the times I was so focused on myself that I forget to look for You. Please keep reminding me to look up and never let me grow tired or used to the wonder of the beauty of the world You came to save.

Thank You Lord. I Love You.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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