Article No. 0508

The Difference Between
Forgiven and Forgotten

Rule In Your Hearts”

Colossians 3:15

CannotSleep Maybe like me, you have also had this same experience.

While trying to fall asleep your mind is troubled over events of your past - racing over and over again about past sins, mistakes, and things you regret. As these dramas play out in your mind sleep escapes you and there is no peace in your heart. However if this is something you struggle with, here is some Great News found inside of today’s scripture, but in order to understand the power of this verse, let’s review some important background.

Before Christ died on the cross, the sins of the people had to be atoned or “covered for” by the blood sacrifice of animals. However this atonement was temporary and sacrifices had to be repeated over and over again in order to cover sin. However when Christ laid His life down on the cross as the (perfect) 'Lamb of God That Took Away The Sins Of The Word' He Forgave and Forgot ALL your sins! Unlike the repeated atonement of blood, he Remitted your sins which simply means that they have been totally wiped away.

So the next time these accusing thoughts distress you at night, Decree & Declare - “All that is under the blood of Jesus and is FORGIVEN & FORGOTTEN” and rest peacefully, and let the peace of God rule in your heart.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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