Article No. 0507

Your Reality

“What Is Truth?”
John 18:38

FakeReality When I was about five years old the 'big kids' in the neighborhood got everyone together and with serious hushed tones said, “Hey! Look behind that grey house. See that round circle on the dirt on that hill?“ As he spoke, our eyes got bigger and we all eagerly leaned closer while the hair raised on the back of our necks!

Well! Last night we saw a flying saucer land there! and it’s going to come back, but ***don’t tell anyone about this!!”***

For the next few days, this secret whipped us all into a frenzy and during that week that was our REALITY and TRUTH...that is until the oldest boy finally smirked and admitted, “Nah, there’s no saucer. We just made it up!

Likewise, we for the most part also live in a world where we receive reports of what is happening, but like these little kids in this story, how can we discern what to Receive as RELIABLE or Dismiss the DECEPTIVE?

You see, what you perceive as YOUR REALITY IS YOUR TRUTH, and if you buy the false narratives about what is happening in the world, then you are being misled to believe lies.

The only reliable source of TRUTH is in a book that says this about 'Reality':

2 Timothy 3:13 says:
“Evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.”

2 Timothy 4:3-4 gave a prophetic warning saying:
“For a time will be when they will not endure sound doctrine, but they will heap up teachers to themselves according to their own lusts, tickling the ear, which, while they are deaf to the truth, attentively listen to fables.”

Friend, this time of deception is here, so do not be deaf to the truth and believe any 'Flying Saucer' story that you hear! Instead, look to the one who we can rely on to be the only source of TRUTH and REALITY. He is the one that said - “I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE”

Do you know HIS NAME?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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