Article No. 0506

Why It’s So
Good To LAUGH!!

“A Merry Heart doeth good
Like a medicine.”

Proverbs 17:22

JesusLaughing Have you ever laughed so hard that you just couldn’t stop laughing and even when you stopped you have that “Thank goodness it’s over feeling ” only to start up laughing again?! Me too!! Laughter takes away the routines of every day life and turns it into joy which brings physical release from the tensions of life. We all tend to be too serious, and we need a lot more laughter, because it’s good for your soul.

My husband cracks me up when he starts impersonating people while I’m watching a video and he starts prancing around the living room singing and dancing pretending he is a certain character and leaving me in stitches and my sides aching!  I think that Jesus is laughing at Wayne too because God has a great sense of humor. In fact…He Invented IT!

Sadly these days it’s a challenge to find anything to laugh about which has tired out the hearts of many, but according to today’s verse, that may be just the medicine we need to endure!

God created laughter and He is reminding ALL of us to laugh again - especially in this time of restricted life. Remember that Jesus told us to be like little children - and despite these times, little children continue to innocently laugh, so let’s follow their example so we can laugh like little children too!

So look in the mirror,  put a happy smile on your face, and find the humor in life and LAUGH! It’ll do your life GOOD and make your heart MERRY.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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