Article No. 0504

Love Always
Over Hate

“Love one another, for love is of God and
Everyone that Loves is born of God, and
Knows God.”

1 John 4:7

HeartShield+Sword From our founding fathers until today we have gone from the UNITED States of America to the Divided States of America. Instead of a name that traditionally signified UNION, our division has trickled down from the halls of government to the hallways of schools and finally to the homes of families.

While it is easy to point to these simply as differences in politics, actually the real cause is not a social problem but a spiritual problem.

You see, the real enemy is not politicians, parties or traditional paternal practices, but the perfecting author of separation and strife…and that is Satan. The Bible says in John 10:10 that Satan’s three goals are to STEAL, KILL and DESTROY and he is attempting to accomplishing this today by stealing truth, killing love, and destroying relationships, but he will not ultimately succeed because there is ONE instrument that will ALWAYS TRIUMPH and that is the POWER of LOVE..

Despite all the hate that is going around today in our world, it cannot overcome God’s Love and Truth. As Christians we are called to be LIGHT in the world and OCCUPY until the Lord’s return and wield the Sword of the Word of God and DECLARE & DECREE His Love and Peace over our FAMILIES, our COMMUNITIES and our COUNTRY!

Speak these words out in Faith because His WORD is unstoppable and God’s Love ALWAYS Triumphs Over Hate.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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