Article No. 0503

The One
Who Is
Always There

“I will never leave you
Nor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5

LivingWater+Cross At high noon under a blazingly sun, a lone Samaritan woman stole away to the town well to draw water. There she met a man who approached her with a kindness and respect never given her as a woman of poor reputation. Little did she know that he would offer her His “Living Water” which would transform her life and quench her thirst forever.

Many of us know her as the Samaritan woman who struggled with hurt, rejection, and loneliness. A woman who needed to be pursued and loved, despite her failures and her flaws, yet never could stop the self degrading, continual spiral of life she was living.

Just as Jesus intentionally sought her out in her loneliest place, He is pursuing you too - especially when life gets tough or lonely. He’s there when you’re going through the motions of life, especially when you wonder what is your real purpose.

Jesus is the only One who can meet our deepest need to be known, accepted, and pursued simply because like the woman at the well, He accepts you where you are, and for WHO you are.

He’ll continue to seek you out, but why not seek Him first? His Water for you will NEVER run out.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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