Article No. 0502

Delayed Obedience

“Blessings shall come on thee, and
Overtake thee, if thou shalt
Hearken unto the voice of the LORD.”

Deuteronomy 28:2

RegretfulMan If there was one underlying principle of God it is this - Listen, Heed, and then DO what we have heard when we hear it. That inner voice telling us what we should do is our conscience which comes from the Latin “conscientia” which means “a joint knowledge of something,” where your spirit intersects with God’s spirit. As today’s verse promises, when we heed that voice, it will always reward us, but failure to do so or putting it off will have a consequence.

Years ago I was planning on taking a long distance trip in my car, but noticed that it was leaking a little radiator fluid from the water pump. My inner voice told me to get it fixed before I left, but I delayed and decided to get it repaired at my destination. Well sure enough Delayed Obedience is DISOBEDIENCE and the water pump failed along the way resulting in an even bigger repair and a costly delay.

Friend, when you hear that still small steady voice telling you what you know you should do, do not delay but act TODAY because...

IMMEDIATE Obedience is Always REWARDED, but
DELAYED Obedience will always be THWARTED.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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