Article No. 0501

Absolutely Nothing
Is Impossible
For God

“With men this is impossible, but
with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26

Moses-Red-Sea God is a God of the impossible! Just when it seems there is no possible solution or answer and your ship is about to sink, His mighty hand reaches out to save us. He always is our Rescuer and very present Helper in times of trouble so when we are in need, we can depend on Him to help us. But there are two vital things that we must do in order to receive his grace, and that is to Walk in FAITH and to Act in Obedience.

Before that which is 'impossible' can be moved out of the way ask yourself this — “Have you first done what God told you to do, or are you sitting back, procrastinating, or not being obedient to what He said?” Because it is only when we are in AGREEMENT with God and ACTING on what he has called us to do, that He can make that impossibility possible.

Consider this — What if Moses had not obeyed God and didn’t boldly declare before Pharaoh to “Let My People GO!!” What if at the Red Sea he did not obey to stretch out his staff when God told him to part the waters because he doubted that God would not act?  But no — Moses didn’t doubt, obeyed, raised his staff in faith and watched God do the impossible, because he operated in FAITH and OBEDIENCE.

My friend, when the 'impossible' seems truly impossible, step out in faith and walk in obedience to what God is calling you to do and then the Impossible will become Possible according to you in partnership with God.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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