Article No. 0495

Get Healed By
The Great Physician

“Wherever Jesus came…
They laid the sick and implored him that
They might touch even the fringe of his garment.
And as many as touched it were made well.”

Matthew 5:23

HemOfHisGarment In Hebrew he’s called Jehovah Rapha - “The Lord Who Heals.” and He’s also known as The Great Physician, but Jesus does much more than just heal the sick!

While modern medicine and physicians can work wonders through SCIENCE, only Jesus can work wonders through SPIRIT because only He has the power to heal us PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, and SPIRITUALLY.

PHYSICALLY for our bodies, Jesus Said:

“Come to me,
All who are weary and
I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11: 28-30

EMOTIONALLY for our feelings the Apostle Paul said:

“ Be anxious for nothing, but in
Everything by prayer and supplication,
With thanksgiving, let your requests be
Made known to God;  and the peace of God,
Which surpasses all understanding,
Will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7

SPIRITUALLY for our whole being Jesus said:

“ Beloved above all else
I wish for you to be in health.”

John 3:2

Friend at all times and all seasons, God’s Holy Desire is for us to be healthy in ALL areas of your life!

Do you want to get there? The answer is simple and the example is given in today’s verse! All you need to do is reach out and 'Touch the Fringe of His Garment' and how do you do that? Simple…just spend quality time with Jesus each day by including him in everything you do. Read His Word and Pray Every Day and come to TRULY know Him as your Great Physician. When you do you can totally count on Him to be there for all your needs. 

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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