Article No. 0493

This is the
Place Our Trust

“Trust in the Lord
With all your heart and
Lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways submit to him and
He will make your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

TrustInTheLord Most of us will agree that 2020 is a year we are more than glad to leave behind and wish we could forget. Seemingly out of nowhere a shocking virus infecting all human life turned the entire world upside down. While we cannot see what is coming in 2021, The Lord God Almighty CAN! This is why we must open our hearts, raise up our hands, and trust in God who holds all of our lives in the palm of His hands.

Given this assurance, more than anytime in recent history, we need to and must be trusting in the Lord above to place us under the shadow of His wings. So please pray this prayer with me:

Dear Heavenly Father,

There is so much ahead of us that we can’t foresee - so much we wish we could control but can’t. Help us to be anxious for nothing nor be fearful, because your Word teaches us that the opposite of fear is love and you have sent your angels to watch over your children. 

Lord, help us
To TRUST in Your goodness,
To TRUST in Your love, and
To TRUST in Your faithfulness as
You continue to be true to us.

In Jesus’ Name We Pray….Amen

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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