Article No. 0490

IMAGINE...There’s No Heaven
IMAGINE...There’s No Hell
(That is...Imagine There is NO GOD)

“We don’t care (god) what you say.
We have made plans to sin, and
We are going to be stubborn and do as

Jeremiah 18:12

AleisterCrowley You might recognize today’s title as lyrics from a famous song, but this idea of no afterlife has been around for a long time, and was perhaps best popularized by Aleister Crowley, a British spiritualist and seeker of the supernatural who was best known for his phrase “There is no Law BEYOND (so) Do What Thou Wilt.” In other words, since you have only one life on the earth therefore live a Life Of ABANDON, because there are NO CONSEQUENCES for what you do.

But what if that was true? Then like Crowley or the people talking back defiantly to God in today’s scripture verse, one could rationalize that since there are no limits to what one does before this non-existent 'BEYOND', then anything goes.

Even Jesus told the tale about people like this when He said, “Eat, Drink, and be Merry, for Tomorrow We Die” (Luke 12:19) but here’s the other side of this:

“For we must all stand before
We will each receive whatever we deserve
For the Good or EVIL
We have done in this earthly body.”

2 Corinthians 5:10

Friend, there is indeed 'a beyond' and God’s law that applies on THIS SIDE of the beyond also applies to the OTHER SIDE of the beyond. However there is an eternal promise of blessing available to all that simply ask the Lord to forgive them of that 'Evil we have done in this earthly body.' It is not too late if you do this before leaving this life.

Today may be assured for now, but tomorrow may be your first day in that 'BEYOND' which is to come. Be ready to stand before Christ and to be Judged as Righteous by HIS RIGTEOUSNESS through HIS FORGIVENESS, and not by “What Thou Wilt”.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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