Article No. 0489

Was Published TODAY
Would It Be BANNED?

“Every one that doeth evil
Hateth the light,
Neither cometh to the light,”

John 3:20

good-book-banned CENSORSHIP is not only ALIVE & WELL, but growing in an age of 'political correctness.' Many things on a variety of topics are restricted or banned because they are deemed offensive, hurtful, bigoted - or best yet - FAKE NEWS.

Given that, if the Bible was published for the first time on social media today, no doubt it would get slapped with a warning of 'Inappropriate Content,' -or- 'Contains Offensive Material.' Television Cable commentators most likely would describe it as violent, misogynist, and racist. School libraries would exclude it as harmful and scholars would mock it for its many so-called 'contradictions & inaccuracies.' Religious leaders and philosophers would also point out that there are many ways to the divine…and not just ONE.

Oh! Excuse me! That’s happening NOW and calls to ban or limit the Bible or even it’s most benign and helpful quotations often get a 'thumbs down' rating by social media editors. Even more sadly, the majority of people see a Bible verse quotation like the ever ubiquitous 'John 3:16' and meet it with an endless parade of rolling eyes and snarky gaffes.

On the contrary, The 'Word of God' - THE BIBLE - tells us that it is LIFE & LIGHT, and that Jesus himself is that “WORD.” Instead of being Banned and criticized, it should instead be BORN and celebrated as TRUE NEWS.

So what’s your Conclusion?

Censor or Celebrate?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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