Article No. 0488

Your Soul SAVED
Your Soul LOST?

“For You Lord Have
Delivered My Soul
From Death”

Psalm 116:8

LostOrSavedSouls “Are You Saved?!?” is a phrase that generally generates snickers from most people and a common response to this is “SAVED FROM WHAT?!?” - as if there is nothing to be 'saved from'...but consider this.

When a ship sinks, headlines report how many souls are either SAVED or how many souls are LOST. The ones that are saved find a lifeboat, but the ones that do not are lost. You see, we are all sailing on the 'SHIP OF LIFE,'

and all of our ships will eventually sink, and in this we all have a choice. When it does will you seek out a lifeboat or snicker at the need to get into one and be confident that your ship is not in danger(?)

That LIFEBOAT IS JESUS, and it is waiting alongside your ship with a seat with your name on it. All you need to do is to CHOOSE to get into it.

Eternal Life or Eternal Death depends on which boat you choose to be in.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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