Article No. 0486

I Do Not Choose To Believe
In a God That Sends
People to HELL!

“Then shall he say also unto them
Depart from me, ye cursed,
Into everlasting fire,
Prepared for the DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS.”

Matthew 25:41

GodPunishingPeople The #1 issue that people say that causes them to refuse the Gospel message is:

I can’t Believe in ANY so-called
'Loving god'
That would send anyone to Hell!”

…and You’re Right! NEITHER DO I.

Let’s correct one of the biggest lies that has been successfully put out there and that is - (and this is a biggie…)

God doesn’t send ANYONE to Hell.

WHAT, You Say?!?

That’s right!! You see, the Bible actually says that God does not desire that any people perish in Hell but that everyone be saved (2 Peter 3:9) and as Jesus said in today’s scripture, Hell was NEVER INTENDED for people, but for evil angels. But here’s the thing - you can choose to be WITH GOD or NOT BE with God. He does not want - nor will he will force anyone - to be with Him for eternity. So if you don’t like the offer of forgiveness and eternal life which is totally free for the asking, NO PROBLEM! It IS YOUR CHOICE. You can choose to reject salvation and believe what you want to believe! Usually, along with that, is the belief that there is no god and the Bible is not valid.

If so, you will have what you say.

Please Listen. ALthough you may think this is a silly imaginary game., eternity is real because we ALL will leave this earth one day, and the question is where, and the answer to THAT is simply where you CHOOSE to go, not where God supposedly will 'send you.'

Friend, what you believe will become your reality. If 'There Is No God' then you will be in a place where there will be NO GOD.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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