Article No. 0485

A Sure Cure For
An Incurable

“For I know that in me
Dwelleth no good thing.”

Romans 7:18

soul-vaccination Imagine that you were born with a virus that was passed down in your bloodline, and that anyone that had that virus was guaranteed to die from it, but you figured if you were just disciplined enough that you could overcome it. So you religiously exercised, did yoga, ate only organic foods, took vitamins, received acupuncture, and consumed indigenous healing herbal remedies.

Now suppose that a vaccination became available that had a 100% success rate to totally saving your life. Would you be interested in taking it, or would you keep trying all your previous practices?

So here is this analogy explained.

The “virus” is SIN and the “death” is eternal separation from God. However your remedies of wiping out your SIN by 'Being a Good Person' won’t work in saving your soul, just like yoga, exercise and diet can’t let you live forever. Instead there is a very special “soul vaccination” that is a Super-Natural Blood Transfusion, and that is through the saving blood of Christ.

All of us have inherited the 'VIRUS' of SIN passed down from Adam to all humanity, but the Gospel Message plain-and-simple is that when Jesus Christ was crucified, His blood was the CURE for the VIRUS OF SIN, but there is just one thing you must do. You must decide to receive this SOUL VACCINATION, and when you do it will totally heal you from from the curse of this virus of Eternal DEATH, but instead will guarantee you Eternal LIFE.

Are you willing to accept this free soul vaccination?? Then ASK CHRIST TO FORGIVE YOU OF YOUR SINS and make him #1 in your life and your CURE is SURE.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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