Article No. 0483

If I Pee Again
On The Couch
They’ll Still
Forgive Me,

“Peter asked Jesus, 'How many times shall
I forgive those that sin against me? Up to seven times?'
And Jesus replied, 'Not seven times, but seventy times seven!'

Matthew 18:21-22

MissyTheDog We love our little dog Missy, however she’s never really been house trained and as many times that we let her out to water the yard, she seems to decide at random times to baptize the carpet or couch with a touch of yellow to our aggravation and frustration. Nevertheless after a little 'time out,' her mommy and daddy forgive her and she is once again back in our good graces .

Likewise when we disobey God, he too gets frustrated with us - but here’s the thing, His FORGIVENESS is always available to us because the Bible promises us that...

“If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to
Cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ”

1 John 1:9

Just as our little dog occasionally makes mistakes - so do we - but it still is no excuse to keep on doing wrong. So just as we forgive and love our little dog over and over again, even more so God will likewise always forgive us over and over again too...and He is even More Forgiving than us! Despite our mistakes and disobedience, He is always there to pick us up when we fall down and love and forgive us.

So if God can forgive US, and We can forgive our DOG, then We also need to practice the same repeated forgiveness and love towards OTHERS.

So next time somebody does a 'boo-boo' on your life...FORGIVE THEM!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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