Article No. 0482

There is a Place
In Heaven Waiting
For You!

“In my Father’s house are many mansions,
If it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.”

John 14:1-2

heavens-gate Have you wondered to yourself...

“Heaven is for people who do everything right,
and I’m not sure I belong there! I’ve  done a
lot of things in my life I’m not too proud about.
I wonder if there’s a place in heaven for someone
like me?”

If that’s how you feel, let me help you with your concerns!

First of all, heaven is open for everyone ever born! From the kind and gentle souls who walk with the Lord everyday to the roughest and toughest, and those in between like those scruffy fishermen and the dishonest tax collector 'from the wrong side of the tracks' that Jesus called to be His disciples.

You see, Jesus is in the transformation business and He loves you just like He loved and transformed His disciples. He knew all those He ministered to, both the big and small. He knows all about you and sees all kinds of  amazing  potential in you and will transform you into His image if you follow Him, just as the disciples followed Him.

So how can you begin this transformation and be on the road to heaven’s gate?

The first thing you need to do is make sure you that you met Jesus. When you do, let Him take you by the hand and show you how to live life now. Start by asking Him to forgive you for all your sins and to take them all away from you and He will. Then ask Him to come into your heart and believe and accept his as your Savior and make him #1 as LORD in your life! Starting with these simple steps, you will never have to wonder again if there is a place in heaven for you, because there is! Jesus has prepared a place for YOU with Your Name on It! Claim your heavenly space today!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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