Article No. 0480

The Time
I Went Down
A Slippery Slope

“What gain did you get
From doing something you now regret
That lead to your doom?”

Romans 6:21

slippery-slope When I was five years old there was a very steep rocky cliff near my house. One day I sat on the edge of this precipice wondering how far I could scoot off the edge, so I moved down a few inches and all was fine. So I slid down a little further and it seemed easy to get back up if I wanted to.

So far so good.

I slid down a LITTLE MORE... but then the rocks under my behind slowly started to be a little slippery! Although I carefully tried to scoot back up, each time I did I slid a few inches more until finally I was going down the slope at a steady - then quick rate until it was as slick as a slide in the playground!

Fortunately I ended up at the bottom, crying hysterically, but safely winding up in an old man’s backyard terrified at what I had done, and wondering how I could get back up to the top. The kindly elder gentleman managed to pry my name out of me between my tears, looked up our home phone number in the white pages (remember those?!?) and called my mother to come pick me up.

Secret sins in our life are just like that slippery slope. While things may start off innocently enough and are 'So far so good ' like flirting with a co-worker behind your spouse’s back, experimenting with drugs, or secretly doing things you know are wrong. Before you realize it, it gets to point where you are in too deep - and just like being on that rocky slope - you can’t get back and it keeps accelerating until you keep sliding down to your doom.

Although you crash into the bottom of your slippery slope and it seems like there is no way back up to the top, there is a solution!

“Then I confessed my sins to you (and)
I did not conceal my wrongdoings.
I decided to confess them to you, and

Psalm 32:5

God is quick to forgive and restore you back home. His number is in the book of the 'White Pages of the Bible,' Call on Him, and HE will restore you to the top.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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