Article No. 0478

My Golden Trumpet
Was Not What
It Seemed

“The heart is deceitful above all things
And beyond cure.
Who can understand it?”

Jeremiah 17:9

my-golden-trumpet After miserably failing at the violin in the 5th grade, I found my talent on the trumpet the following year. Since I was improving so rapidly, the band director advised my parents that I needed a better instrument than the battered horn that I was playing on provided by the school.

A local music store delivered a brand new horn in a smartly trimmed leather case and inside - lined in deep purple velvet - was a rich golden lacquer colored trumpet with intricate engraving on the bell. It was far more substantial than my beat-up school horn and was so stunningly beautiful that I could not imagine wanting anything more than that trumpet in my entire life!

My parents wisely asked our neighbor, who was a local pro trumpet player, to check it out and he took it to a gig that night so he and the guys could play it. While desperately trying to fall asleep I prayed every possible prayer I could think of, pleading with God to please, Please, PLEASE have them say that this was the horn for me, however the next day our neighbor said the horn was terrible. I was totally devastated!

It wasn’t until years later as a professional trumpet player myself that in thinking back on this that I realized that that 'golden trumpet' was not right for me, but it brought to light an important lesson that perhaps we have all experienced at some point.

Sometimes there are things in life that we think we really, Really, REALLY want to happen, but as today’s scripture says, our heart and emotions deceive us and lead us in the wrong direction.

Have you also had a 'golden trumpet' experience too?? If so, here’s some good news...

At certain times, while we may lack the wisdom or discernment to know what is best for us, our Heavenly Father always does and He is there to give us good counsel because God is right 100% of the time! No matter what decision or insight you need along the journey of life, ask and trust HIM first - and not your heart - because He will always help you to See things as they ARE, not as they SEEM.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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