Article No. 0477

You Have
In Jesus

“Constantly keep in mind
Jesus Christ risen from the dead”

2 Timothy 2:8

JesusAsVictor Are you a Believer in Christ?! If so then Hold Your Heads Up High and see Yourself Risen With Christ because Christ is In You, And You Are In Him! This is the KEY to holding onto the blessings of God.

When uncertainty, pressure, or discouragement comes — when troubles and trials are bearing down on you, remember Jesus Christ is Risen from the dead! And that when Jesus arose, You Arose! When Jesus came out of hell and defeated the enemy, you also came out of hell and defeated the enemy! His victory is your victory because you’re in Him.

When you are in a hard place, when the devil tells you you’re not going to get your answer this time, when he tells you there’s no way out, remember that Christ is the Anointed One, the Victorious Conqueror, risen from the dead and seated at the right hand of the Father who intercedes for you constantly!

If there’s an image Satan hates more than any other, it’s the image of Jesus rising from the dead, stripping him forever of his authority and openly displaying his defeat to all of heaven and hell. That’s the picture you need to keep in the forefront of your mind, so think about that until it’s etched into your heart so deeply that nothing Satan says or does can get it out of you…that’s when the gifts of God will be established in your life and the devil won’t be able to talk you out of your inheritance with trials and tribulations. 

Wear the word VICTORY on YOUR HEART and in the words you SPEAK, and keep in mind that Jesus Christ IS RISEN from the DEAD!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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