Article No. 0476

By It’s Cover

“Don’t Mock God or His Word
Because in the end your punishment
Will be Greater.”

Isaiah 28:22

book-store-theology I walked by a shop recently that featured a window display of famous books. Each was covered in a brown-paper wrapper with a short comment about it, however it was the synopsis written on the Bible that was disturbing, simply saying “Religious Viewpoint” and “Violence.” This is an increasingly popular view today in categorizing the bible (often written with a small 'b') as a book from a dark, past time in human history that has no place in this modern, enlightened age. If this is your way of thinking, you’d be well advised to take another look because actually the exact opposite truth of the Bible is that this is the ultimate amazing life-saving story to redeem the world and everyone in it from Rebellion to Restoration with God.

Unlike the other books in this window, this - The Greatest Of All Books - tells a story far deeper and more important than any other. Not only is it a mistake to dismiss it as the false views of ages past, it is even a bigger mistake to mock and dismiss it as just one of many misguided “Religious Viewpoints.”

Friend, do not dismiss or mock this book or the warning it is giving you in today’s scripture! If there is any one book in the 'bookstore window of life' that you must read and understand that will lift you from PUNISHMENT to PROMOTION it is This One.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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