Article No. 0474

One Death
Or Two, Sir??

“Blessed and Holy are those that are
A part of the first resurrection!
For those that do
Has No Authority.”

Revelation 20:6

butler+tombstones I hate to break it to you, but one day we are all going to die, but here’s something you may not of thought of before.

When you come into this world, your SOUL is united with your BODY and after living a (hopefully long life) one day your body will die and at that point your soul will then be separated from your body. This physical death is what the Bible calls 'The First Death,' but the question is - what THEN happens to your SOUL?

The Bible teaches at death that your soul will go one of two places. If you are “in Christ” it will go directly to be with God, and you will not die again or face condemnation. However if you are NOT in Christ, your soul will be separated from God and you will wait in hell until the end of time, and at that point will be judged for your sins and faced a self-imposed condemnation where you will go into “..the Lake of Fire.” This is the SECOND DEATH - the death of your soul - but a death that will never end and continue for all eternity.

Wow!! That message is really brutal! ... and YES it is, and perhaps the most harsh word I have ever written, but before you get angry at me, THIS IS WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS, but here is the GOOD NEWS and the Truth!

You have been offered an acquittal - a full pardon for everything you’ve ever done wrong or evil in your life. There is no reason why you or anyone should experience a 'Second Death!' It is entirely up to you to believe or NOT BELIEVE what the Bible says, so if you have read this far, here is the conclusion of the matter.

A) You will believe God’s offer of forgiveness,
believe what His Word says in the Bible about avoiding
this second death and take His offer of deliverance from this Second Death
B)You will come to your own conclusion that this is some stupid,
superstitious, imaginary religious fairy tale not worth your consideration.

It is going to be one or another, but either way it is YOUR CHOICE.

Friend, THIS IS SERIOUS. You really do have a soul that will live forever, and YOU have a CHOICE how many DEATHS you believe you’ll have.


God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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