Article No. 0468

Are You The
Missing Piece?

“From Him the WHOLE BODY,
Fitted and held together by every supporting ligament,
Grows and builds itself up in love through
The work of EACH individual part.”

Ephesians 4:16

missing-puzzle-piece When I was a kid, my family loved to do very large jig-saw puzzles. Some were so difficult that they would monopolize our single dining room table for well over a week, forcing us to eat in the family room off of TV trays, but there was always great joy when we finally finished it!

One puzzle in particular was really difficult but beautiful, but when we got down to the very end, there was ONE piece missing. While the location of the missing piece in the picture was not prominent, the overall picture was not perfect.

This got me to thinking about the Body of Christ and how everyone is important and has a purpose to completing God’s perfect work in the world.

You see just like in a jig-saw puzzle, while some pieces may be a prominent part of the overall picture, it does not mean that the other pieces are not important because if they are missing, the entire story of the picture cannot be told. That is why that we must always press on to finish God’s picture as the Apostle Paul wrote:

“I have fought a good fight,
I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith.”

2 Timothy 4:7

So friend, you do not have to be a pastor, evangelist, or great theologian to have significance in God’s purpose and picture to the world. No matter what your job, role or position, “finish your course” because in the Lord’s eyes, Your PIECE is Important, otherwise His Picture of Your Purpose in this world would also not be complete.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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