Article No. 0466

Which is The
Least -or- Most

“Blessed is the one
Who is not offended by me”

Matthew 11:6

offense-symbols Here are four well known internationally recognized symbols that have originated from different parts of the world. When you look at them, what do you see? How does each one make you feel?

Some people may have a strong positive, negative or maybe even neutral view based on their experience, perception, or world view, but regardless it is an interesting barometer of how each of us views the world.

For some the most offensive symbol might be in the lower right corner, because it may represent hatred, prejudice, narrow mindedness, or ignorance. On the other hand the other three symbols could represent tranquility, solidarity, repression or peace. No doubt all four will cause some sort of reaction.

If you had to pick just one that you identified with the most, which one would be your choice and why? Personally I detest the pop-culture phrase 'Just ’askin'... but it is an interesting question.

What do you say and why?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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