Article No. 0465

Jesus Is
With You

“I will never leave you
Nor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5

JesusWithYou Years ago while ministering to several young teenage girls in Juvenile Hall I still can remember the words of a young seventeen year old sitting in the back row blurting out loud, “My mother never said she loved me!” It was obvious there was  deep emotional sadness in her voice, and wanting to put my arms around her yet not allowed to, I felt I so wanted to reassure her that there was a much greater love than her mother could ever give her, if she would open her heart to find it.

In those few moments I let her know that even though her mother never showed her love and affection, Jesus loved her no matter what she had ever done and He accepted her unconditionally. I wanted her to know that once she would come to know Jesus personally as her Lord and Savior, He would completely fill all the empty spaces that her mother failed to give her.

  • In this life when your parents forsake you through death or abandonment, or your spouse forsakes you through divorce,
    Jesus is  always with you. (Psalm 27:10)
  • When you are sick or alone and need healing,
    Jesus is always with you. (Matthew 8:3)
  • When you are overwhelmed by burdens or depression,
    Jesus is always with you. (Isaiah 43:2)

When you and I follow Jesus, He promises that we will be where He is. The most comforting and reassuring thing of all is that He promises He will never leave us nor forsake us. There is not one place in the entire universe, visible or invisible, where He is not! No parent  or friend can be this close, care this much, and love you so much. What a blessing Jesus is!

My friend, In all this world there is no one who can fill up the empty places in your life better than Jesus. If you haven’t yet accepted Him into your heart, do it now. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins and be sincere about it. Tell Him that you want to follow Him and make Him your Lord and Savior. Jesus wants you to live with Him now while you are living on earth and in eternity. When you do this you will be accepted into the family of God and your life will never be the same again.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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