Article No. 0464

Bible Verses

“But God says to wicked people,
'How dare you quote my decrees and
Mouth my promises!'”

Psalm 50:16
God’s Word Translation

[NOTE: This is NOT a political message, but a Biblical one]

GodIsLove Some people love to quote the Bible to either justify their position on something, or to use scripture to criticize those that live by the Bible with the purpose of accusing them of hypocrisy. Doing so is not only unwise, but dangerous to those that do.

“GOD IS LOVE! some declare, “DO NOT JUDGE” others proclaim, however as today’s scripture says, God calls those that use His Holy Word for their own personal interpretation as wicked, and will judge those unauthorized to speak His Word that do not fully believe His Word or live by it.

You see, the Bible is not a selection of individual verses that you can pick and choose from like 'Dim-Sum verse-plates' from “Cafe Scripturteria”. Instead it’s a complete work taken as a cohesive, integrated whole, and not a collection of 31,102 individual verses that can either be accepted or rejected at will. We know this because Jesus said that “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”

Note that it does not say SOME of the words, or ignoring OTHER WORDS, but by EVERY WORD.

Be careful friend if you do not live by the Word of God because Jesus said,

“By thy words thou shalt be justified, and
By thy words thou shalt be condemned.”

Matthew 12:37

God’s Word is Life, and Truth and must be used honestly and approriately - no matter who you are or what you believe.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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