Article No. 0461

God is NOT
'Hard to Find!'

“Seek the LORD
While he may be found
Call on him
While he is near.”

Isaiah 55:6

Some people are on a quest to 'find God' (as if He was hard to find) but actually the opposite is true! cannot-find-god Not only is God 'available' and waiting for people to come to Him, but He has given us a book that tells us exactly WHERE He is and how He CAN BE FOUND and it is called the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth - The B.I.B.L.E.

The funny and sad thing about this book is that it is SO available as to be ridiculous. The Bible is the most published, most written about, most studied, most translated and most widely available book on the planet. In fact if you want one, just walk into most thrift stores and they often just give them away for free!

But here is the thing - there WILL be a time coming shortly where GOD WILL BE A LOT HARDER TO FIND. This self-same Bible speaks about a time, coming soon of when His Hand will be removed from the earth (2 Thessalonians 2:6) as well as His People, His church (1 Thessalonians 4:17). This is something called the “Great Tribulation” and it will be a time of lawlessness, persecution and death, and at that time it will be very difficult for anyone trying to find or reach out to God.

The Bible says that “TODAY is the Day of Salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2) and as today’s scripture says, “Seek the Lord while He may be found.” The good news of the gospel is that He’s Here, He’s Waiting, and He’s READILY FOUND.

If you earnestly call out to Him from your heart, He will HEAR YOU, and He will FIND YOU.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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