Article No. 0459

Balance Your Life
Every Day

“Who can add a single minute to
Their day or life? ? If you cannot do
All you need to do today
Why be upset about what you cannot tomorrow?
Consider the beauty of Lilies in the Field!
They do not work or fret yet even
Solomon  arrayed in his Kingly Splendor
Was not as Bountifully Beautiful as These Flowers.”

Matthew 6:27-29

balancing-girl What’s the first thing you think about when you hear the word “balance?”

Do you imagine a gymnast on a balance beam, a circus performer walking a tightrope, or riding a bike for the first time?? Or maybe it is all the things you are trying to 'balance' in your life! Isaiah 40:12 says the Lord weighed the mountains…and kept all those in balance! For us often, it’s not that easy!

Now we are by no means God, but many of us are constantly struggling to balance the commitments we take on. In doing so it is easy to feel stretched to the limit, overwhelmed and out of sync with the rhythm of life.

Jesus knew this about us when He said, “If then you cannot do even a very little thing, why are you anxious about other matters?” God will take care of us no matter what comes into our lives. When we feel frazzled and seem to be running in all directions, God is there to be our guide and “balance keeper.”

Whether you work at home or in the corporate world, you may be challenged with finding balance in your life and quickly get disillusioned in today’s fast-paced society trying to accomplish all the things that we feel required to do. It is easy to catch the 'Martha Servant Of Many' syndrome buzzing around doing good works, but consider the balance of Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet (Luke 10:38-42). The only way we can choose the best in all things is to remain in Him. We don’t have any excuse not to do so, especially if we realize that our priority and calling is to honor Him as our Savior and Lord  in everything.

Choose this day and your will to approach your Heavenly Father in submission to His wise will and honor Him in all you do, and when you do, the balance will come! Remember He is your all sufficient Lord, El Shaddai, and when you put Him first and not the juggling act, He will help you keep a perfect balance of bountifulness in your life.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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