Article No. 0458

Who’s On
The Throne?

“That (Christ) May Have
First Place
In All Things.”

Colossians 1:18

four-spiritual-laws-circles When I was sixteen years old my sisters and I were at an amusement park on a hot summer night, and while resting on a bench enjoying a cool drink three young girls came up to us and asked us if we believed in God.

“Well, yes of course we do!”, we replied (all being good Catholic kids) and they went on to to share the gospel with us and the plan of salvation out of a little tract called 'The Four Spiritual Laws.' At the end, they asked if they could pray for us and we of course said yes, and they said a wonderful prayer over us and left.

That night while in bed I re-read that tract, heartily agreeing with everything about God, Christ and Salvation until I got to the very last page where this diagram appeared. I looked at it a couple of times, and said to myself, “I don’t want Jesus to be on the throne and control my life, I want to be in control of my own life!

It took another four years until I finally did ask Christ to be my Saviour, and that night at the amusement park and my time reading that tract in bed came back to my mind, and that is when I decided who needed to 'Be On The Throne Of My Life,' and I asked Christ to be not just my Saviour, but my King. In retrospect, I believe that the seed those girls planted that night in our hearts and their prayers over us hearalded all of us into heaven.

So here is the question for Christ just 'a way' to heaven as 'Saviour' or is He truly the LORD that is on the throne and in control of your life? Sadly, many may accept the free Gift of Salvation through Christ but never fully let Him be on the throne like this little picture-gram illustrates, and that is the point. Instead, people have either a literal or invisible bumper sticker on their car saying “GOD IS MY CO-PILOT” If that is you, you are sitting in the wrong seat!

Instead put Christ at the center of the circle and acknowledge Him as the King of your life on the throne, because that is where He belongs. He is a benevolent, loving LORD who does not just give 'good' or 'better' but BEST to those that serve HIm, and that happens when He is in the pilot’s seat and you are flying with Him!

¡Vaya Con Dios! Go HIGHER when God is at the controls!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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