Article No. 0454

1. Liar     

“We are not stoning you
for any good work, they replied,
but for BLASPHEMY,
because you, a mere man,

John 10:33

Christ4Squares Concerning the historically famous person known as 'Jesus of Nazareth' which box do you think describes who Christ was?

If you are like the vast majority of people, you probably have never seriously thought about it. Instead you are most likely in the camp of 'Jesus was one of many great moral teachers, just like Buddha, Confucius, Mohammed, and others'. These and other great religious teachers and philosophers - just like Jesus - said many wise and moral things. The key difference was that none of these other teachers claimed to be God, yet according to the Biblical account, Christ did - and if so he HAS to be classified as either “1,2, or 3” in this matrix.

If Jesus knew he was NOT God, then he was a liar of the highest order. If he didn’t know that he was not god, he had to have been insane, but how could that be if he spoke such profound words? He certainly wasn’t stupid, so that leaves one possibility.

So now that you have thought about it a little, what is YOUR answer- 1, 2, or 3? If your answer is “3” then how would you think differently about your life and your relationship to Christ?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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