Article No. 0452

The'Golden Rule'

“I no longer count on my own righteousness
(by following human or self-made rules)
But that I become righteous through faith in Christ.
For God’s way of making us right with himself
Depends on faith in Him alone.”

Philippians 3:9

TheGoldenRule One of the biggest lies that misleads people regarding their personal 'goodness' and standing before God is the famous GOLDEN RULE. Sure, it is an absolutely true statement and a good way to live, but it is not all we need to do or know in this life to take us into the next life.

You see, as today’s verse says it is not by our own self-righteousness, kind acts, 'being a good person' or acts of generosity and contribution to the world or others that redeems us in God’s eyes. Rather it is simply and plainly putting our faith that Christ paid the penalty for all the 'Un-Golden Rule' things we do in life!

To be “Right with God” is not based on our own self-determined rules of righteousness or measurement, but by His. We cannot earn it through our good deeds outweighing our not-so good deeds because we are not judged by a scale of 'more good things than bad' but only by faith in His Righteousness to take away all the non-golden rule things we have done!

Friend, by all means practice the Golden-Rule but don’t depend on it to get you to heaven. Faith in Christ alone is the only way to the throne! He alone is “The (only) Way, The Truth, and the Life.” (John 10:10b)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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