Article No. 0451

The Book of Your Life
Is Being Written
Right Now In

“You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a
Single day had passed.”

Psalm 139:16

angel-writing There is  a book  being written about your life on earth right now as you read this! Yes it is! This book records all your thoughts, actions, and words that you speak, and all your emotional ups and downs, likes and dislikes, relationships with others and everything you see, hear, smell and touch. It documents everyone who came in and out of your life, and those who left their mark on your heart.

Your book also contains every trial and victory and nothing is left out. Everything is included and nothing is hidden. There are many chapters which will reveal the steps of how you grew (or did not grow) emotionally, professionally, but especially spiritually and how you handled those tough times that were so painful. The big question for now is “How will YOUR BOOK turn out?”

Each day that passes brings you closer to the end of your earthy story and your eternal state. So while the angel scribes watch and write each second of your life, they nor God dictate the next entry into this volume - YOU DO. So what will it be?

All of our books will have good entries, but others will be things that we wish no one knew, but here is the good news! The Master Editor - Jesus - can and will erase all those entries and forget that they never were written in your book! How? Actually, while He does this, we have to ask Him to do it.

You see, all the 'bad' falls under one simple category called 'SIN', and Jesus erases all those entries once we tell Him, “LORD, I am sorry for all that I have done in my life that was SIN. I know that you can make the Book of My Life to be perfect because you erased it all at the Cross at Calvary. Will you please forgive me? I want your forgiveness.” And with that one simple prayer from the heart, the Eraser of God’s Forgiveness is rubbed onto the pages of your book.

If you have not done so, ask God to erase your sins to permanently edit your Book of Life with a “Happy Ending” which  you, others, and the Lord Jesus will be proud to  review and read!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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