Article No. 0450

From Refugee

“If you try to hang on to your life,
You will lose it.
But if you give up your life for my sake,
You will save it.”

Luke 9:24

refugees-saved At the close of the conflict in Vietnam, it was clear that the South would be shortly overrun by the North. Thousands of South Vietnamese fearing for their lives had one of two choices; either stay and hope they would not be executed or imprisoned, or flee for their lives by any means possible.

When running for your life like these people, there is no time to flee with anything but the clothes on your back. Everything else - no matter how valuable - must be left behind.

In today’s scripture Jesus says the same thing regarding leaving this life. Instead of getting on the GOoD ship 'H.I.S Salvation' many instead choose to ignore rescue from this life and enjoy the cares of this world so that they can enjoy 'their best life now.'

This doesn’t mean we cannot live in this world and live a good life, but it does mean if your priorities are to hang onto everything in this life and not seek the safety of eternal life, once your life ends and you WILL LOSE everything you thought valuable. Your possessions, property and prosperity cannot save you, but a Saviour can, and His name is Jesus Christ.

Friend, be a spiritual refugee. Give up your life for Christ’s sake and you will be saved.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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