Article No. 0447

Are You Afraid

“Lives last seventy year,
Eighty of we are strong...but then
We Fly Away.”

Psalm 90:10

ReadyToExitEarth Oh-Oh!! The years fly by and then one day your last year comes and it is time for you to make an exit. When that day comes, are you ready for it?

If there is one critical question that most people NEVER take the time to answer, it is this - WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Sadly at the moment of death, if this question was never resolved then there are desperate cries of “I don’t want to die!!” But here is the raw truth - we ALL get booted off planet earth, and there is nothing you can do to stop that, but there IS something YOU can do beforehand to prepare for it!

All that takes is one simple step and one sure decision. Make a choice right now to go before Almighty God and simply say, “LORD, you are God and I am a sinful person that has not lived a perfect life. I am asking you to forgive me of my sins, to make me clean by what Jesus Christ did on the cross on my behalf, and take me when I die to be with you forever. I promise to make you the LORD of my life and to follow you the rest of my days. I ask this in the name of Jesus, AMEN.”

Friend, if you prayed that prayer earnestly from the heart, when that last year comes, you’ll enjoy an 'EEE' (Excellent Earth Exit!)

[ Then, have a nice flight! :-) ]

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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