Article No. 0446

There is More
To Life

“What benefit do people get
From all the things they do
On earth?”

Ecclesiastes 1:3

xxx The famous torch singer Peggy Lee is known for her signature song “Is That All There Is? In it she lamentably recalls numerous highs of her life that at the time were wonderful, only to be followed by the crashing aftermath of disappointment. As the song title implies, once the “happy” time of the 'happening' ends, what is anyone really left with?

The short answer is that while we all can enjoy many truly great things in life, be it an exciting adventure, a once-in-a-lifetime trip, or the high of receiving a great award or honor, once it is over, it is over, and as Ms. Lee reminisces, so is your life...and then what?

Here is the answer plain and simple.

While we are all given a short time on the earth, that is not all there is because God has a plan that ensures that there is much more than what we experience in our earthly life, and it is FAR BETTER than anything we can possibly imagine. The Bible promises us this when it says:

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and
No mind has imagined what
God has prepared for those who love him.”

1 Corinthians 2:9

As today’s scripture illustrates, once the benefit experienced in this life is over, what ultimately is the ending benefit, and the answer is earthly life ends, and then again as Ms. Lee wistfully asks, Then What?

Well the Good News is that God has a plan to put the What into the THEN and it is sure to satisfy for all eternity! And that is the eternal life that God has set aside for all those that seek Him in Heaven.

Friend, there is ultimately no lasting satisfaction to be found here on earth, but you can and will have eternal peace in heaven, but you must first must make Peace With God. Deep down, you know what to do! Ask God to forgive you of all the wrongs you have done in your life, pledge your allegiance to Him and as Jesus said, “Follow ME” and when you do, you’ll will see that HE IS ALL THERE IS!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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