Article No. 0445

A Cure
That You Cannot

“I am the LORD,
who heals you.”

Exodus 15:26

TheSureCure Imagine that you went to the doctor, and after examining you, she leaves the room and comes back after awhile with a grimace on her face and says, “I am sorry to tell you this but your test results came back and you have a life-threatening disease. If unchecked it always results in death, however we caught it in time and have a sure cure for it. Would you like to start treatment right away?”

So if this was you, what would your answer be? Would you take the cure?

Of course you would.

Well the truth is every single person ever born has a terminal disease, and that disease is called SIN. If left untreated, it always results in certain death.

Fortunately like the doctor offered to the stricken patient, there is a sure cure! It but it does not come from a hospital or a lab, but it came from a hill called Golgatha 2,000 years ago from the Blood of Jesus Christ that was poured out as He was crucified on a cross. The Bible says the cure was given when -

“(Christ’s blood (was) poured out for many
for the forgiveness of sins.

Matthew 26:28

There IS a sure cure for the disease of sin, and if left unchecked ETERNAL death is certain, but if you haven’t received it yet, you can! All you have to do is to ask the Great Physician for this cure to forgive you of your sins, and when you do The cure is FREE and SURE.

Will you take this cure today?

What will YOUR answer be?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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