Article No. 0444

What Are These
(...and why should I care?)

“For the message of the cross is FOOLISHNESS to
Those who are perishing, but to
Us who are being SAVED it is the
POWER of God.”

1 Corinthians 1:8

JesusSavesSign Perhaps you’ve seen signs like this, usually in old run-down neighborhoods hanging from buildings that had seen better days. So this begs the question, 'If this 'Jesus Guy' is so good at SAVING, then why is the neighborhood that this sign is hanging in looks like IT hasn’t been “saved” yet?'?'

All that nonsense (of course) is coming from those naive Christians telling people that their 'imaginary friend' will (somehow?) 'save you' from HELL? Well if you feel that way, it certainly appears to be a really FOOLISH message, and if that is the case the Bible says this is exactly how many people will receive it.

The Bible, a book that has been around over 3,000 years that has been printed and read by more people in history, written about, investigated, and vetted by archaeologists, scientists, and used as a basis of law, government and morality for centuries by politicians and nations, and it has also been found by historians consistently to be TRUE. This is the BOOK that teaches “Jesus Saves” but after all that, somehow that phrase hanging on a funky red neon sign is stupid.

Well the Bible describes people that snicker at these signs when God says in HIS BOOK to the world:

“Professing themselves to be WISE,
they became FOOLS.”
Romans 1:22

Friend, if you feel this way, we have it on good authority that if anyone is foolish here, it is not the Bible or those that believe in it, but those that do NOT believe in it. If this offends you or rubs you the wrong way - perhaps drastically - that is 100% OK!! You see, we all have the right to feel, think or believe anything we want, so if you disagree, so be it. Don’t shoot the messenger (me) here...just reporting what this book says.

The question after reading this is will you change your mind? An interesting deep definition of the word 'repent' means exactly that! To CHANGE YOUR MIND about God!? Would you at least consider doing that today? Because this is more than just a sign - it means the SAVING of your very LIFE.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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